The Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling usurped the proper role of legislators and imposed an extreme abortion regime that has contributed to the polarization that has divided us as a nation and further wounded our society by ending over 61 million lives. Its trauma affects the web of social relationships that form families and society. Disregard for unborn life too often has poisoned political discourse and coarsened our mutual respect. It also undermines our appreciation for the value of every person, especially those who are vulnerable.
During a virtual press conference organized by the Susan B. Anthony List and other pro-life allies, Senators Ana Maria Rodriguez and Ray Rodrigues and Reps. Tommy Gregory and David Borrero announced their support and sponsorship of the Florida Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.
On the latest episode of Catholics Across the Aisle, Danielle M. Brown, Esq., associate director, USCCB Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism gives us an inside look at her role and what the committee is striving to accomplish. She explains that addressing racism and the injustice it produces relates to our core beliefs as Catholics. "It is crucial that Catholics understand that the racial justice work that the USCCB is doing, that the Catholic Church should be doing, is not because it is the sexy thing right now. It is not because the Catholic church is trying to be woke," says Brown. "It is because this is an issue that is a definite block to people's access to the gospel, our ability to proclaim the gospel with truth and in love. And, it affects our Christian witness when the Church or any person or people have a black eye because they can't seem to get relating to everyone as brothers and sisters in Christ."
Prior to 2020, the U.S. federal government went 17 years without administering any executions under the leadership of both Republican and Democratic presidents. Against this backdrop, the Trump administration moved to restart the practice of executions in July 2020, beginning with the lethal injection of Daniel Lewis Lee on Jul. 14, 2020.