The annual session of the Florida legislature is scheduled to begin Tuesday, January 12 and conclude Friday, March 11, 2016. As a member of the Florida Catholic Advocacy Network (FLCAN), you will receive important information and updates throughout the 60-day session directly from the public policy office of the bishops of Florida.
Legislative Bill Report The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops has released its Legislative Bill Report identifying proposed legislation that will be closely monitored by the FCCB during the Florida legislative session. Bills are organized under the advocacy areas of Life, Social Concerns, Health Care and Education. During the session, the legislative report is updated daily with action taken by the legislature on previously identified bills and any additional bills of concern.
Weekly E-Updates - Beginning Friday, January 15 Each Friday afternoon, FLCAN members will receive a summary of significant legislative action and other activity at the capitol involving issues of interest to the bishops of Florida.
Action Alerts As priority bills move through the legislative process, alerts will request FLCAN members to take action by contacting their state lawmakers with important messages on specific bills. By sending the right message at the right time, you can contribute to the outcome of significant legislation.
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