On Wednesday, June 5, a fire was set at the Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More in Tallahassee. The church is the location where the Red Mass of the Holy Spirit is celebrated annually by the bishops of Florida during Catholic Days at the Capitol.
Bishop William A. Wack of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee released a statement shortly after the fire was extinguished and the damages was assessed: “Today, there was a fire inside the Co-Cathedral church in Tallahassee. The cathedra and presiders’ chairs were set on fire and are destroyed. The walls of the sanctuary are charred, and there is smoke damage. Thankfully, no one was hurt, and it went out before igniting the whole building. An investigation is underway. Thank you for your prayers.”
Two days later, on Friday, June 7, an
arson arrest was made.
“We strive now to move from shock and sadness, to resolve and rebuilding, said Fr. John Cayer, rector of the Co-Cathedral. “Our bride, the Church, has been wounded and we are bandaging her wounds, but we now need to set a course of rebuilding a new and vibrant sanctuary.”
Prayers for the clergy, parishioners and community of St. Thomas More as they heal from the emotional wounds are welcomed. For those wishing to assist financially with the restoration of the sanctuary, a link is available on the
parish website.