Crimes Involving Controlled Substances
HB 95 (Plakon) would make it easier to obtain a conviction for contributing to a victim's death as a result of abuse of a controlled substance. This is expected to significantly increase the number of sentences of life in prison or death, when support for the death penalty by many Floridians is waning. In a letter to the bill sponsor, FCCB expressed its opposition to any increase in the utilization of the death penalty in Florida as it perpetuates cycles of violence, is plagued with error, and does not deter criminal acts. The companion bill, SB 190 (Brodeur), was amended by the Senate Criminal Justice Committee to partially address concerns, but FCCB opposition remains.
HB 95 has passed all its committees and is on the Calendar on second reading in the House. SB 190 was amended and passed (5-3) by the Senate Criminal Justice Committee on February 8 and is on the agenda for the Rules Committee on February 15.
Public Records Exemptions for Executions
SB 1204 (Broxson) and HB 873 (Maney) would provide an exemption from public records requirements for information that could identify any person or entity that participates in an execution, including the manufacturer of drugs that are used for lethal injection. In carrying out a death sentence, this could allow the state to utilize drugs from manufacturers that expressly prohibit their use in executions without the manufacturer's knowledge.
SB 1204 is on the agenda for the Rules Committee on February 15. HB 873 was passed (13-5) by the House Government Operations Subcommittee on February 8 and is now in its last committee of reference, Judiciary.