Having previously passed the Senate with nearly all senators signing onto the measure as co-sponsors, SB 232 (Detert) earned the support of the House (
115-2) on Wednesday. The bill is now ready to be signed into law and will soon head to Governor Scott for his authorization. Rep. Larry Ahern, a recipient of the Defensor Vitae (Defender of Life) Award at this year's Catholic Days at the Capitol, was the sponsor of the companion measure in the House, HB 403.
The bill is intended to safeguard the elderly and other vulnerable populations from unscrupulous guardians. The office under which professional guardians are regulated will now be called the Office of Public and Professional Guardians and will create guardians' standards, investigate complaints against guardians, and discipline guardians who do not maintain the standards set forth.
FCCB staff supported the proposal as it made its way through both the House and the Senate.