On Monday, Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 1 into law. This landmark legislation expands educational choice options for all K-12 students in the state by providing Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) for students attending private schools or home schools. “This legislation is a transformational opportunity to make it clear that the money follows the child, and parents have a right to guide their child’s education as they see fit,” said Senator Corey Simon at the bill signing. “We recognize that parents are a child’s first and best teachers." Governor Ron DeSantis called the legislation the "largest expansion of education choice in the history of these United States." In a press release, the FCCB lauded the Governor's approval of HB 1 and commended House Speaker Paul Renner, Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, and bill sponsors, Senator Cory Simon and Representative Kaylee Tuck, for their effort to advance the bill through the House and Senate. “Catholic schools look forward to working with the Florida Department of Education and scholarship funding organizations to implement the provisions of this historic law that will transform K-12 education in Florida,” said Michael Sheedy, FCCB executive director. “This marks the accomplishment of a long-standing goal of so many stakeholders to bring educational choice to every family in Florida.” Press Release: Catholic Bishops of Florida Praise Expansion of Education Choice