HB 651 was approved by the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday by a 15-7 vote, its final committee of reference. The bill would allow parents to file a lawsuit under Florida's wrongful death statute with the purpose of recovering damages for the wrongful or negligent death of their unborn child. "We are talking about the human experience, the experience of parents who have suffered a real loss," said the bill's sponsor, Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka. "And we are saying they have a right to seek recovery." FCCB staff expressed support for the bill during the committee meeting.
This bill utilizes a definition elsewhere in Florida law that considers an "unborn child" as a human being "at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb" when establishing a new cause of civil action. This definition excludes embryos that are stored for in vitro fertilization (IVF), which was the subject of a ruling this week by the Alabama Supreme Court. Learn about the Church's teaching on reproductive technology.
HB 651 is now available to be taken up by the full House, while Senate companion SB 476 (Grall) is on the Senate Rules Committee agenda for Monday, February 26 at 2:00 p.m.
Click below to urge your Florida lawmakers to support HB 651/SB 476.