We are pleased with today’s decision from the 1st District Court of Appeals, reversing the injunction which has blocked a law requiring a 24-hour reflection period prior to abortion.
Common medical practice (except for emergencies) entails a built-in reflection period between an explanation of options, risks and benefits and actually undergoing a major invasive procedure. Abortion is a notable exception in that a patient may submit to a simple pregnancy test and then undergo a serious surgical procedure within a single visit.
We recognize the importance of gathering necessary information and taking time to thoughtfully consider options prior to making major life decisions. The State of Florida already acknowledges the value of reflection periods prior to marriage, divorce, the purchase of a handgun, certain real estate transactions, sterilization, and placing a child for adoption.
Before proceeding with an irreversible decision that ends the life of a child and affects the woman’s life for years to come, this good law gives women who seek abortion in Florida one day to reflect on information provided by a physician about the risks involved; to view the image of her unborn child’s ultrasound; and to consult with friends, family and faith.