The Department of Children and Families (DCF) has released a proposed revision to the rule that establishes licensure for child-caring facilities (65C-14). Despite improvements to the rule, it retains a framework that places children in facilities based on flawed gender ideology.
The most significant improvements include:
Accounting for the well-being of other children in a facility and other considerations that bear on the appropriateness of placing children with agencies.
Revising the definition of "sexual orientation," which now distinguishes between orientation and activity. It is well to protect someone from unjust discrimination on the basis of orientation, but not to protect sexual activity, especially for children.
It remains a concern that the rule adopts a flawed framework similar to the Obama administration's controversial transgender bathroom guidance that is based on perceived "gender identity" which may not correspond to a child's sex. As Pope Francis emphasized, "'biological sex and the socio-cultural role of sex (gender) can be distinguished but not separated.'" (Amoris Laetitia, no. 56).
We offer a special "thank you" to those who responded to the FLCAN action alert and contacted DCF and Governor Scott with their concern for all children in the care of the State. We will continue to review the proposed rule and explore further options to improve it.