In somber recognition of the January 22 anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, the Catholic bishops of Florida have released a joint statement.
"Judicial sanction of the termination of life in the womb seen by some as a 'right' is a 'wrong' that for 47 years has coarsened hearts and darkened minds," stated the bishops. "Today, after more than 60 million abortions, there is less regard for all human life as society discards those deemed inconvenient because of age, infirmity or any other reason.""Yet, amid this darkness, signs of hope remain, and good and courageous acts light a way forward," noted the bishops who praised the passage of laws to restrict abortion, as well as the work of those who provide support to pregnant women and their families and hope and healing to those suffering from past abortions.
Read the full statement in English or Spanish.