As is the custom, Catholic Days at the Capitol came to its official conclusion on Wednesday evening as the lay faithful, members of the Florida bar, legislators, Governor Scott and others of good will joined the bishops in prayer and worship at the 41st Annual Red Mass of the Holy Spirit. Hosted by the Co-Cathedral of St. Thomas More, the Red Mass invokes the Holy Spirit and asks for divine guidance for those who serve in the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government, and members of the legal community.
Monsignor David L. Toups, Rector/ President of St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary in Boynton Beach offered the homily. His message focused on the relationships among public service, mercy and justice: "Mercy triumphs over justice when our state, nation, and world begin to see the needs of the most vulnerable and make their cause our cause." Read
Msgr. Toups' homily.
Adam Tanenbaum, General Counsel, Florida Department of State, and Senator Anitere Flores (R-Miami) served as lectors at the Mass.