November is Florida Adoption Month, a time to celebrate adoption finalizations, express thanks to the parents, staff and stakeholders who work throughout the year to find permanent families for children in need, and bring attention to the children who are still searching for their forever family.
On any given day in Florida, there are over 800 children available for adoption without an identified family. This includes large sibling groups, teenagers, and children with medical conditions. During November, Florida will highlight "30 Days of Amazing Children" to focus on the children who are still waiting and hoping for a family of their own.
Catholic Charities is a private adoption agency providing adoption services throughout 63 of the 67 Florida counties. For more information about adoption through Catholic Charities, contact your diocesan office.
For more information on children in need of homes in the care of the Department of Children and Families, how you can start your adoption journey, and associated benefits, please visit or call 1-800-96-ADOPT.