In mid-March the
U.S. Census Bureau mailed official notices to every household requesting participation in the 2020 Census. Instead of receiving a form to fill out and mail in, basic information on all persons living and staying at your residence can be entered online. Households are to submit responses by April 1. All information provided is confidential and cannot be shared with other government agencies or local authorities.
The U.S. Constitution requires a national census every 10 years to count the number of men, women and children residing in the U.S. This includes undocumented and homeless populations that are often hard to count. The primary purpose of the Census is to determine the number of representatives in Congress for each state (apportionment). Additionally, Census data helps direct billions of dollars in federal funds to local communities for education, roads, and other public services. Census data is also used for planning by hospitals, nursing homes, community centers, churches, schools, and police and fire rescue.
Participation in the census is required by law. As faithful citizens, we have a duty to be counted and to also encourage our family members and neighbors to be counted. A complete and accurate count provides for the common good and well-being of all U.S. residents.