TALLAHASSEE, FL – The bishops of Florida commend our state's legislative leaders for advancing the protection of our most vulnerable, the unborn, by restricting abortions once a child has reached viability. We are called to care for life from its earliest stages, recognizing and respecting the sacredness of what God has created. Restricting abortion from the point of viability is a significant improvement for Florida. The bill recognizes the right to life of children who can survive outside of the womb.
As a result of advances in medicine, technology, and research, children may reach viability at earlier stages of development. While Florida law currently limits abortions in the third trimester, there are children who have reached viability during the second trimester.
We thank Senator Anitere Flores and Representative Janet Adkins, courageous sponsors of SB 918 and HB 1047, and all who supported these pro-life measures. We encourage Governor Scott to sign HB 1047 into law.
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The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops is an agency of the Catholic Bishops of Florida. It speaks for the Church in matters of public policy and serves as liaison to the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. The archbishop and bishops of the seven (arch)dioceses in Florida constitute its board of directors.